Honestly, I probably shouldn't be obsessed like i am. I CANT HELP IT??? he is so fine though... BOOM SHAKALAKAAAA.
I just love cobra kai in general. but this character is SO GOATED, especially since i love Xolo so much as a person. Miguel's growth and strength is admirable, and I'd like to embody him a little more in the future.
I love Sheldon Cooper, I am him. Honestly, I prefer his younger version to his older version, which is why I pictured that one here. Although, since I'm getting older, it only makes sense that I am the older Sheldon as well. My autistic self just loves him, ♡
It's literally impossible to choose a favorite out of them all AHHHH. They remind me so much of my childhood and I'm so glad it exists :3.
Part of me only chose Mr. Spock because Sheldon Cooper likes Mr. Spock at first, but now I just really like him. He reminds me of myself in a lot of ways.
An odd fella, I reckon he had autism and that just makes me like him more. ♡
HE IS SUCH A WEIRDO i love him!!! He's intriguingly intelligent and his weird little quirks are endearing. I hate that they killed him off though like wtf.
I haven't watched a lot of friends, but I love Ross because he reminds me of myself. Oh, plus, he has a monkey and i love monkeys.
Partially like this character because of the actor, Xolo. But also, I love the representation of Latin people. They can be superheroes too! I wouldn't say im like the character, but I would like to become more like him.
I knew from the very first minute of the show that he would be my favorite, and four years later, he is still my favorite. I just relate to him so much :). I feel like I've grown with him as well.
She is so cutie. I remember how excited I was when I saw her for the first time. She's not the character I recieved on a personality test (i got Hello Kitty) but I know in my heart that I'm like her as well. ♡